Christmas Gifts for 3-10 year olds | Gift Guide

Christmas Gifts for 3-10 year olds | Gift Guide

Are you trying to think what to get your children this year or maybe you are the aunty and are brainstorming what kids like… then here are 10 ideas that my kids love and also are popular in our store. Gift idea 1- Connetix- these are played with every day in our...
Gift Ideas for 3-10 year olds

Gift Ideas for 3-10 year olds

As children get older it can get difficult to decide what to buy them especially as many children want electronic games or screen devices. But there are so many options that are screen free and I have done the hard work for you. Practical gifts like hats, sunglasses,...
10 ways to connect with your child

10 ways to connect with your child

10 ways to connect with your child Our lives have become so busy that we are often doing many jobs at the same time whilst trying to cook, clean and be with the family. I know that I often feel like I don’t get jobs done as I am doing too many things at the same...
Why my children don’t sleep in a plastic bag…

Why my children don’t sleep in a plastic bag…

You may be thinking what a strange title, but for many babies and children this is a reality for them as they are sleeping in polyester sleeping bags each night. As I continue researching to find quality products for my baby and children’s store From Baby to Kids...
TOG rating- how to choose the best sleeping bag

TOG rating- how to choose the best sleeping bag

Sleeping bags, swaddles and bedding often have a TOG rating which describes how warm a particular sleeping bag is and is based on the British unit of measurement called Thermal Overall Grade. As a mum to two young children, I have found sleeping bags so valuable and...
Handy Hints when starting school

Handy Hints when starting school

Two weeks before school starts is a good time to start practising some of the things the children will have to do by themselves like going to the toilet, putting their jumper on or off, tying shoelaces, opening their lunch box and choosing what they should eat at the...
Handy Hints when starting school

Starting school for the first time | Hints and Tips

I have been fortunate to have been invited by different websites and magazines to write some back to school articles that contain hints and tips for starting school and to ensure the school transition goes smoothly. There are also ideas on what to pack for a healthy...
Christmas Presents for Newborn-12 months

Christmas Presents for Newborn-12 months

It is your baby’s first Christmas and you are so excited to celebrate it with them, but you don’t know what to get them. At this age, they often don’t need much, but at the same time they keep growing so you are always buying clothes, nappies and...

Breastfeeding Tips for new mothers | Baby and Mother

Breastfeeding tips Ask for help, especially in hospital. It is so much easier trying to master breastfeeding in hospital as you can ask the midwives at anytime of the day. However you need to feel comfortable with the midwife otherwise you won’t relax and your baby...
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